Elevating Coffee Moments to Masterpieces.
4 Weeks

Unveiling the Nivona Challenge: Redefining Coffee Excellence in a Diverse Market

Nivona stands out as a top-tier coffee machine, excelling in price performance, user-friendliness, longevity, and taste. In fact, its taste profile competes favorably with or surpasses that of even the most expensive coffee machine brands in the industry.

However, despite its exceptional qualities, Nivona faces a challenge: it isn't the most popular brand at present. Consumers often opt for cheaper alternatives or machines with a more stylish appearance. Thus, our primary task became identifying and reaching the ideal Nivona consumers in a market saturated with diverse preferences.


Crafting Nivona's Unique Identity Leading Coffee Excellence

Our goal was to establish a brand identity that connects deeply with our Nivona audience, fosters loyalty, and positions Nivona as an industry leader. Nivona targets individuals who value exquisite coffee flavors, effortless maintenance and operation, and sustainability.


Brewing Success: Nivona's Impactful Entry into the Baltic Market

We teamed up with influencers, created Google Ads capmaign, and optimized SEO to ensure Nivona pops up whenever Latvians or Lithuanians Googles for coffee machines. Our social media campaigns also kicked off. The result?
In just one month, Nivona was selling at least one coffee machine daily.


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